office MK-style

Company Profile

Website production company
Company Name office MK-style LLC
Representative Aizawa Kazuhisa
Founding October 1, 2010
Business Content Open system program development
Website production
Online web production class lecturer
Number of Employees 12 people (consolidated)
Capital 15 million yen
Japan branch 713 Hanada, Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Head office 113 Datu Abing St, Calinan District, Davao City, 8000 Davao del Sur, Philippines

Management philosophy

Based on the principle of "customer first", we aim to be the No. 1 company in the third-party website production industry and contribute to the happiness of our comrades and the creation of a prosperous society.

As a website production/architecture provider, we will develop service activities based on the "customer first" policy, and open up the future with a focus on third-party website production business.

We constantly strive to develop human resources, acquire cutting-edge knowledge and technology, work on website production design construction and research and development, aim to create a happy company with "dreams" and "hopes", "development of the local community" Contribute to the creation of a prosperous society.

Management with the same sound

Let's sing a poem with the same sound in a loud voice

Management with the same tone and sound means that all staff participate in management as comrades with the same goal.

It means that each comrade should always think about the benefit of society as a whole and work on management, instead of voicing opinions and acting only for his/her own convenience.

We aim to grow ourselves, grow our colleagues, provide our customers with "Impression" and "Satisfaction", and then hope for the development of the company, aiming to be No. 1 in the industry.

At the same time, when all comrades feel together, think together, think and work together, and devote themselves to corporate management to achieve their "Dreams" and "Hopes," a common resonance (joy) is born.

In other words, comrades who sympathize and sympathize with the "Teachings of our predecessors" pray for happiness, and create and grow a company through unity among us.
That is the basis of “Management with the same tone and sound.”

Merchant road

What we sell is "Impression" and "Satisfaction".

"Merchant's way" is the way that merchants should practice.

We are a merchant who sells products of "Impression" and "Satisfaction" through website creation.
Business means serving the customer (partner) with appearance, form, and heart.

If you are willing to serve your customers, they will respond to you.
The more we serve our customers, the more we grow and the happier we are. If you don't do enough, you'll be told, "That company is NO Good," and you'll lose credibility.

In true trading, it is important to stand on the idea of Human & Human (Heart & Heart).
You cannot be called a merchant unless you have the fundamental basics of making your customers happy, liked, and satisfied, no matter how difficult the job is.

No matter what kind of rivals appear, it is important to win the hearts and minds of customers first.